Elite Dangerous: Stations
This is a continuation of the Elite Dangerous post series, where last time I wrote about ships. Obviously, flying a spaceship is an important aspect of the game, but it is equally important to have some places to dock at.…
Elite Dangerous: Ships
It’s been a while since my last post about Elite Dangerous but still, it is a game that I come back to most often. As my experience with it evolved since that time, the game itself has been enriched significantly…
The Suremaker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Hey, I have not been writing here for a while, but today I wanted to share something new. My last post was purely about games, Elite Dangerous, to be precise. I still love this game and play it a lot.…
Let’s have some fun with Elite Dangerous
Hi, Normally I write about development related stuff here, but today I decided to write about games, without which I would probably never get an interest in computers and IT.I played a variety of games on Commodore 64, Amiga and…